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Fakultät Statistik

Resampling and Simulation Summer 2023

The Resampling and Simulation Course 2023 takes place within the scope of the Master of Statistics, the Master of Data Science and the Master of Econometrics.


Prof. Dr. Markus Pauly (paulystatistik.tu-dortmundde)

Dr. Lubna Amro (amrostatistik.tu-dortmundde)

External experts

Dr. Florian Dumpert

Prof. Dr. Sarah Friedrich

Prof. Dr. Frank Konietschke

Planned schedule
  1. In the first couple of weeks after Easter: Introduction to the topic (course with integrated R exercises)
  2. Presentation of potential small research projects
  3. Depending on your priority list, distribution into one of these projects
  4. Group work: Preparing a research preprint under supervision
  5. Each group gets an additional external expert
  6. Interim presentation: early/mid June (depending on the expert's availability)
  7. Final workshop presentation and preprint submission: end of September
Content of the lecture
  • Introduction and Review of Statistical Inference Concepts and its Applications with R (if necessary)
  • Why Simulations matter?
  • Excursion: How and why to perform a Simulation Study
  • Resampling: Concepts, Theory, and Simulated Performance
  • Why Permutation and Randomization Tests stand out
  • Guidelines for writing Research Papers

We envision around 4 projects which can still be made more precise after the first step. Potential topics may cover

  • Which (M)ANOVA to use for small samples?
  • How to impute missing values for valid inference in mixed effects regression?
  • Resampling for count-data or ordinal regression models
  • Analyzing the effect of outliers in longitudinal data analysis
  • ...

Part 1: Lecture (Start: April 13th 2023, End: May 4th 2023):

  • Wednesday, 12:00 - 02:00 pm  [M/E 27] 
  • Thursday,  12:00 - 02:00 pm   [M/E 27]  (First week: 12:00 - 03:00 pm)

Part 2: Research projects

  • Introducing the suggested projects: May 10th 2023,  Wednesday 12:00 - 02:00 pm [M/E 27] & ZOOM
  • Interim presentation:

        June 22nd 2023 Thursday,  02:00 - 04:00 pm   [M/E 27]
        June 28th 2023  Wednesday 08:00 - 10:00 am [CDI/ZHB - 120]

  • Workshop with research groups presentations: Sep 22nd and 25th 2023

  • Preprint submission: Within two weeks after the workshop presentation

Based upon request: Follow-up meetings every two weeks (Start: May 24th 2023, End: Sep 20th 2023): Wednesday, 08:00 - 10:00 am  [CDI/ZHB - 120]

Language and format
  • The course will be held in English.
  • The course will take place in-person.
Suitable modules
  • Master Statistics: MS 6/ MS 7 (4.5 ECTS)
  • Master Data Science: MD Applications (6 ECTS)
  • Master Econometrics: ME 6 (6 ECTS)
  • Master Statistics: BSc degree in Statistics
  • Master Data Science: passed MD 2: Statistical Theory
  • Master Econometrics: passed ME1a: Statistical Theory

Oral presentations and the responsible part of the research preprint


Via sending an email to:
The number of participants is limited, so early registration is encouraged. The admission to the course will be according to the following order: 1. fulfilling the prerequisites; 2. field of study; 3. first-register basis.
