M.Sc. Marléne Baumeister

- Empirical Processes
- Methods for Factorial Designs
- Multiple Testing
- Bootstrap
- Industrial Data Science II (Summer 2024)
- Industrial Data Science I (Winter 2023/24)
- Industrial Data Science II (Summer 2023)
- Industrial Data Science I (Winter 2022/23)
- Nichtparametrik und robuste Statistik (Summer 2021)
- Statistische Verfahren (Winter 2021/22)
Research Experience
- Since Oct. 2021: Research Assistant at the Department of Statistics
- M.Sc. (Statistics): TU Dortmund University, 2021. Master's thesis: Quantile-based MANOVA: A new tool for inferring multivariate data in factorial designs.
- Studies of Financial Mathematics (M.Sc.): Bielefeld University, 2017 - 2018. Not finished.
- B.Sc. (Mathematics and Philosophy): Bielefeld University, 2017. Bachelor's thesis: Der Darstellungssatz von Riesz.