Award of prize to chair member

Congratulations. Yesterday, Maria Thurow, student of the faculty and WHF at our chair, received an award for her bachelor thesis at the 30th Scientific Colloquium. The laudator was Walter Krämer, in addition to the President of the Federal Statistical Office, Georg Thiel.
Maria's bachelor thesis, which she wrote under the guidance of Florian Dumpert (Destatis), Burim Ramosaj and Markus Pauly, was awarded the Gerhard Fürst Prize 2021. In addition to the prize money, the award also comes with a publication in the journal "WISTA - Wirtschaft und Statistik". The issue will be published in the course of next year.
In her work, Maria deals with different distance measures for univariate distributions. Using two datasets from the research data centers of the federal and state statistical offices, she examines these distance measures in a simulation study with respect to their suitability for assessing the goodness of various imputation methods.
An independent review panel selected Maria's work because of its high relevance for statistical offices. Those who would like more information can find more details about the award, the thesis, and the colloquium here.