Annual best award of the department for master students of our chair

We would like to congratulate Michael Kirchhof on receiving the best of the year award of the Faculty of Statistics at the end-of-year ceremony of the TU Dortmund University. Michael wrote his master thesis "Developing an Interpretable Stacking Model for Multilabel Classification" under the supervision of Lena Schmid, Markus Pauly (Faculty of Statistics, Chair of Mathematical Statistics and Industrial Applications) and Christopher Reining (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Chair of Materials Handling and Warehousing).
In his master's thesis, Michael explored a connection between probability theory and propositional logic to express high-dimensional probabilistic interactions by low-dimensional rules. This makes it possible to decompose patterns in complex data sets into simple components that can be more easily communicated and applied to more advanced problems.
The paper resulting from the work was published at this year's Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 2021. It can be downloaded here.
Michael is now doing his PhD at the Department of Computer Science at Eberhard Karls University Tübingen under Professor Dr. Enkelejda Kasneci.