GMDS Sponsorship Awards 2023

For her bachelor thesis "Joint Frailty Models in Neuromyelitis-optica Spectrum Diseases" B.Sc. Leia Betting, student at the Faculty of Statistics, is awarded with the GMDS-Förderpreis 2023 in the field of "Medical Biometry".
Frailty models can be used to account for the fact that the strength of an individual in a population depends not only on his or her own characteristics, but also on common factors that affect all individuals in the population. These common factors are called frailty and may be, for example, familial factors. These are taken into account by incorporating a random effect. Leia Betting has applied these models in the context of complex survival analysis of rare autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system, gaining valuable contributions to the field. The work was supervised by Markus Pauly in cooperation with Charité Berlin. Congratulations to you, Leia, for this great award.