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Department of Statistics

IBS-DR: Bernd Streitberg Prize 2022 goes to Eric Knop

North Campus at sunset © Ekkehard Reinsch

We warmly congratulate Eric Knop on being awarded the 2022 Bernd Streitberg Prize of the IBS-DR. The award recognizes outstanding biometric work by very young, non-doctoral applicants. Eric's bachelor thesis, which was written under the supervision of Thilo Welz and Markus Pauly (both Faculty of Statistics, Chair of Mathematical Statistics and Industrial Applications), is entitled "Robust Confidence Intervals for Mixed-Effects Meta-Regression with Interaction".

In his paper, motivated by a study of COPD, Eric compares robust covariance estimators, which actually find application in econometrics, in the context of meta-regression. In doing so, he addresses the specifics of estimating models with interaction effects.

The award will be presented to him at the end of March 2022 at the IBS-DR General Meeting during DAGStat 2022. At DAGStat, Eric will also present key results of his work at the Young Researcher Award Session on March 29, 2022. Eric Knop was employed at our chair as SHK or WHF between March 2020 and January 2022.